Pulp & Paper
Production of pulp & paper is required to manufacture so many of the products that we take for granted in our daily lives. Historically, it has been particularly energy- and water-intensive. In our modern world, where environmental considerations are increasingly important, there is a consequently increasing requirement to optimise production. This is driven by both regulatory requirements (in turn driven by environmental concerns) and also the need to minimise operating costs.
H+E has a huge amount of experience in designing and building systems for pulp and paper industry projects. Today H+E-built plants treat more than 400,000 cubic metres of wastewater every year!
Our proven experience will therefore provide you with whatever you need. Whether it is production of process water, or treatment of wastewater, our well-designed, reliable and energy-optimised plants will meet your requirements over many years.
You can also have long-term technical support, servicing and spare parts, which we offer as standard. This is for the long life of your plant, and therefore offers you long-term security.
More Information
You can download more information here
Please also feel free to contact us at any time. We will be happy to discuss your specific needs with you.
- Process water, cooling tower and boiler feed-water supply from surface water or sea water
- Deionised water production for steam generation
- Condensate polishing for the steam cycle
- Mechanical and physico-chemical pre-treatment
- Specific de-calcification treatment for high calcium-containing effluent streams
- Anaerobic treatment for highly contaminated wastewaters
- Aerobic treatment for moderately polluted wastewater
- Tertiary wastewater treatment for removal of “hard” COD
- Turn-key solutions for wastewater treatment with anaerobic – aerobic biological treatment
- Tertiary wastewater treatment to reduce “hard” COD
- Excess sludge treatment & disposal
- Biogas collection and treatment plus power / heat co-generation
- Recycling concepts for producing process water for re-use
- Specific concepts for minimum liquid discharge (MLD) and zero liquid discharge (ZLD)